11 Easy Home Improvement Hacks to Try Today

11 Easy Home Improvement Hacks to Try Today

A home may occasionally need upgrades, repairs, or something new to amp up the space. But many often refrain from getting the work started because of a limited budget. Thankfully, there are numerous DIY home improvement hacks that one can try without the help of a professional. If you want to make a few minor adjustments to various regions of your home, try these 11 easy and inexpensive hacks today.

Paint the front door
The front door is the first thing guests see before entering your home. So painting it with a bright door color that is welcoming may help make a good impression and improve the look of your house. All you would need for this home improvement job is a paintbrush and a paint of your choice. You could also hang a few ornaments on the door or place them on the ground to make the entrance attractive.

Paint the doorknobs
A lot of homeowners tend to replace old doorknobs with new ones. While it may not look like it, replacing multiple knobs can cost a great deal of money. And let us not forget the matching hinges and door latches that may also need replacement. To save money, you could paint the knobs of all the doors at home. Pick a can of spray paint in the color of your choice and get the task done with ease. But ensure you cover the area around the doorknob with old newspaper or other materials to avoid spraying the wrong region.

Consider string lights
The ambiance inside a home depends on several factors, an important one being the type of lights used. One of the most popular ways to make the house look appealing is by hanging string lights in various rooms, such as the living room and bedroom. You could also put up these lights in the patio, porch, and backyard to improve visual appeal when you host a dinner party outdoors.

Replace wooden cabinet inserts with glass
Wooden cabinet door panels are classical but a little dated. Moreover, wood might spoil and rot with time. If you want to improve and modernize the look of your kitchen cabinets, consider purchasing glass cabinet inserts. This is an inexpensive project that should also be easy to carry out at home. If unsure of how the cabinetry may look, try it with a small set of cabinets before replacing them all.

Paste Velcro on picture frames
Drilling nails in the walls is not always the safest option, especially if you are inexperienced. But hiring a professional for this home improvement task will cost a significant sum. So, if you wish to hang picture frames, use Velcro. You could attach strips to both the back of the frames and the wall. The Velcro will hold the picture frame in place and improve the look of that particular wall.

Patch nail holes
You likely have nail holes in multiple walls if you have been living in the same home for a few years. This can make the interiors look dull and untidy. You can fix these holes easily by filling them with a lightweight putt using a spackle knife. After filling, scrape off the excess and uneven material from the wall. When the putty is dry, you could use sandpaper to smoothen the surface and paint over it with primer. Doing so will help make the patched space appealing.

Apply nail varnish to prevent rusting
While rust makes for a vintage look at home, it might not always be the idea you had in mind. Rather than spending on products to remove the coating of iron oxide from objects, you could use nail varnish. Besides preventing rust, applying a clear coat of the liquid on a metal surface could make it shinier and more attractive.

Switch to peel-and-stick wallpaper
Many apply fresh paint on the walls of their homes and immediately dislike the look. They then realize that repainting it will require more funds. To avoid this fiasco, try peel-and-stick wallpaper. It is available in different colors, shades, and patterns that can add a burst of creativity to your walls. You could also use the wallpaper to brighten up small sections of your home, such as powder rooms, closets, or one side of the wall in a room. Highlighting a specific wall instead of the whole room may help reduce the amount spent on wallpaper.

Picture frame light switches
While builder-grade light switches serve their purpose, they do not always look appealing. And replacing them with fancier switches may lead to higher costs. As a workaround, look for cost-effective picture frames that match the outline of your switch plates. Once you are sure the borders will align, paste the frame on the wall around the switch with adhesive putty and make your switchboard fancier!

Hang curtains appropriately
The placement of the curtains significantly impacts the overall appearance of a home. Hanging curtains the right way could make the space look bigger and more luxurious. One idea is to hang floor-length drapes six to 12 inches above the window frame or all the way to the ceiling. Ensure the curtain rod extends about three to six inches on each side. You could also puddle the curtains or let them brush the floor slightly. Hanging curtains in this fashion is a popular and inexpensive home improvement hack.

Use old sneakers as ladder bumpers
If you have a pair of old, unused sneakers, you could still put them to use. Instead of purchasing rubber bumpers to attach to the tops of the ladders, tie sneakers with duct tape. The shoes will serve as cushioning to protect the siding or walls when the ladder is placed against them.

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