15 signs of MAC lung disease one shouldn’t ignore

15 signs of MAC lung disease one shouldn’t ignore

MAC lung disease refers to a lung infection caused by a bacteria group called Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), which is part of a large group of nontuberculous bacteria (NTM). Thus, MAC bacterial infection is the most common cause of NTM lung disease in the country. Typically, MAC lung disease occurs when one inhales these bacteria, commonly found in soil and water. Here are some warning signs of this condition that should not be ignored:

Warning signs of MAC lung disease

Chronic cough
Patients with MAC lung disease may experience chronic cough and may sometimes cough up blood or mucus. Chronic cough is classified as the most common symptom of MAC infection.

Swollen lymph nodes
The body’s lymph nodes typically swell up when it tries to fight off germs or bacteria. Consequently, swollen lymph nodes among patients with MAC lung disease may be a sign that the body is trying to fight against the infection.

Inability to clear mucus
In some cases, MAC lung disease may lead to a condition called bronchiectasis, which involves damage to the bronchial tubes. Patients with this condition may not be able to clear mucus easily, causing them to experience constant discomfort in their throats.

Changes in appetite
Patients with MAC lung disease may experience loss of appetite, abdominal pain, or diarrhea if the infection spreads to other parts of the body. MAC infection typically spreads faster among persons with weak immune systems.

MAC lung disease may cause flu-like symptoms, including a low- or high-grade fever, indicating the body’s attempt to fight against the infection.

MAC-induced infections and inflammation may impede the body’s production of red blood cells, increasing a patient’s risk of developing anemia.

Extreme fatigue
MAC lung disease increases one’s susceptibility to related health conditions like bronchiectasis and COPD, causing problems with one’s daily functioning. Moreover, as the infection begins spreading, individuals may experience other symptoms like digestive issues. Finally, patients with MAC infection who develop anemia may experience increased fatigue due to this condition.

Night sweats
Fever and other flu-like symptoms due to MAC lung disease may trigger night sweats, causing disturbed sleep and possibly drenching one’s clothes.

Skin infections
Skin infections like sores are common among persons with MAC lung disease, typically indicating the spread of MAC germs throughout the body.

Shortness of breath
Individuals with MAC lung infection typically suffer from shortness of breath due to chest congestion and bronchiectasis.

A persistent wheezing cough is a characteristic symptom of MAC lung infection, especially when accompanied by other respiratory issues like shortness of breath, inability to clear mucus, and persistent coughing.

Chest pain
Chest pain in patients with MAC lung disease may be caused by germs present in the narrow airways and air sacs in the lungs, leading to constant efforts exerted to breathe and chronic cough.

Nail clubbing
Nail clubbing is an indicator of chronically low levels of oxygen in the body and is a common sign of MAC lung disease and bronchiectasis.

Frequent colds
Frequent colds, when accompanied by other symptoms like persistent cough, flu-like symptoms, and shortness of breath, are tell-tale indicators of MAC lung infection.

Disturbed sleep
Patients with MAC lung disease may experience disturbed sleep due to chronic cough, chest pain, night sweats, and shortness of breath.

Food, nutrition, and lifestyle tips to manage MAC lung disease

Have fiber-rich foods
Studies have shown that meal plans with fiber-rich foods are associated with healthier lung functioning. Thus, it is a good idea to incorporate foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, avocados, berries, and beans, into one’s meal plans while healing from MAC lung infection.

Incorporate foods high in iron
Since patients with MAC lung disease are prone to anemia, it is important to have iron-rich foods like leafy greens, dates, shrimp, oysters, beetroot, eggs, and fish to increase iron levels in the body and manage fatigue.

Engage in moderate-intensity exercises
Moderate-intensity exercises are effective strategies to clear one’s airways and manage MAC lung infection symptoms like persistent cough and shortness of breath. Thus, one should include moderate-intensity workouts like walking, aerobics, jogging, and cycling into one’s exercise routine.

Avoid exposure to lung irritants
Lung irritants like ammonia, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide may aggravate MAC lung disease signs and impede healing. Therefore, it is important to identify sources of such irritants and avoid them consciously.

Maintain a nutrient-rich, balanced meal plan
A balanced meal plan rich in essential nutrients like healthy carbs and fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals enables a strengthened immune system and aids recovery from MAC lung disease. Hence, it is important for patients with this condition to have nutrient-rich foods like eggs, dairy (if not lactose intolerant), whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and lean meat to replenish the body.

Stay hydrated
A way to ensure adequate functioning of all body organs, including the lungs, is to have plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps in thinning the mucosal linings, which protect the lungs from harmful external agents like bacteria and germs.

Avoid frequenting highly polluted areas
Air pollution is associated with severe lung damage over a period of time and can worsen existing lung conditions, including MAC lung disease. Although air pollution may not be totally avoidable today, it is a good idea to avoid frequenting places with exceptionally high levels of pollution and wear a mask in case visiting such a place is necessary.

Take the necessary social support
Patients with MAC lung disease may struggle to perform even basic daily activities due to fatigue. Thus, it is crucial to seek the necessary social support from family members, friends, neighbors, and professionals regarding daily household chores like cooking and cleaning. Moreover, one’s mental and emotional well-being may also be affected due to the condition; thus, it helps to reach out to a mental health professional in case of anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues.

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