6 effective tips that relieve nasal congestion

6 effective tips that relieve nasal congestion

Ask anyone about a health issue that annoys them – nasal congestion will find a place in the top five. The runny nose, the sneezing, the swelling of blood vessels, the exhaustion, the headache, and sometimes accompanied by fever – together, they can frustrate you to your limits. Nasal congestion should go away on its own with rest and hydration without needing doctor’s intervention unless the symptoms are severe. Read on to learn more:

Nasal congestion and its impact
The mucous membrane, also called the nasal mucosa, is a tissue that lines our nasal cavity. It can get irritated by sinusitis, respiratory tract infections, or allergies. Nasal congestion is caused when the irritation leads to inflammation causing domino-like reactions, including swelling, excess mucus production, and blocked nasal passages. The typical symptoms of nasal congestion include:
Runny nose
Breathing through the mouth
Sore throat
Watery eyes
Inability to smell or taste well
Tooth pain

It is almost certain that you may have more than one of the above symptoms. The symptoms may improve in a few days. The congestion may go away when the worst gets over without any treatment. It is better to stay indoors, rest, and drink lots of fluids like warm broths and herbal teas. Even if you are not very sick, you may feel exhausted as your immune system is overworking to fight the congestion. Here are six effective tips to get relief from nasal congestion:

Inhale steam thrice a day
If there is something that can get a person immediate relief from multiple symptoms of nasal congestion, it is steam inhalation. As one inhales steam, the air helps to thin the mucus and clears the nasal blockages. Boil the water until there is a good amount of steam, and place it comfortably away from the body. Wrap yourself and the water with a bath towel so the steam does not escape. Open your mouth and breathe in the steam to relieve any irritation in the throat. Inhale the steam for at least five minutes. It can also relieve the pressure on the sinus and relieve headaches. Do this thrice a day for three to four days. One can add essential oils, carom seeds, mint leaves, or ground turmeric if available in the pantry. Just ensure the water is away from the body. If prone to frequent infections, invest in a vaporizer or electric inhalation device, as it is easier and safer.

Irrigating or flushing the nose with saline water
The faster one gets rid of the mucus and the irritants lined in the nasal cavity, the quicker one can find relief. While steaming can only clear the nasal passage, irrigation can remove the irritants. Mix warm sterile water with salt or use premixed solutions, as homemade solutions could have impurities and cause fatal infections. Stand with the head tilted on one side and bend over the sink. Use a neti pot, bulb syringe, or squeeze bottle and squeeze the saline water into the upper nostril. Wait till the water comes through the other nostril. Repeat on the other side. If the water goes into your throat, you may have to tilt your head more. Blow the nose gently to remove the discharge.

Drink hot liquids
Hot liquids like tea with ginger, turmeric, pepper, mint leaves, and green tea bags can keep a person hydrated and clear nasal blockages. Crush a 1-inch piece of ginger and boil it in 2 cups of water and 1/4th teaspoon of freshly crushed pepper for about 3 minutes and simmer it for another two. Filter and drink tiny sips of this liquid. One can add some honey to balance the heat from ginger and pepper. Make two glasses of tea, warm it, and frequently drink it throughout the day.

One can also make herbal teas that are available as ready-made packs. Herbal teas that are effective for nasal congestion include chamomile, peppermint, and elderberry.

Make a big batch of chicken, bone, or vegetable broth
Chicken is rich in carnosine, a compound that helps with congestion. Bone broth is a natural decongestant, light on the stomach, and nutritious. Vegetarians can use a combination of carrots, onions, zucchini, bell pepper, mushroom caps, garlic, and kale. For all the broths, use whole spices like pepper, coriander seeds, and cumin for flavor. Make large batches of these soups and broths and store them in the freezer. One can pop them in the microwave and eat them whenever hungry. The heat from the broth will clear the nasal blockage, the veggies, chicken, and broth provide nourishment, and the garlic and turmeric will help fight inflammation and aid in faster recovery.

Use humidifiers
The purpose of a humidifier is to add moisture to the air and help ease cough and congestion. Place a cool-mist humidifier near the bed. Inhaling the air can help thin the mucus, which can help one breathe better.

Take a day or two off and sleep it off
The body may not be in the best condition to help one carry out daily activities. There is a risk of passing the infection to others at school or the workplace. Have a warm bath and some broth, and sleep it off. Keep the head elevated by propping an extra pillow. It helps to drain the sinus and to reduce headaches. Keep some warm water in a thermos next to the bed. Ensure the bed is well made and clean without any dust. One should lie on the back and sleep well. Do not worry if it is the day, as sleeping at night may be more difficult as congestion generally worsens during the night. A good rest combined with warm teas and fluids can help one recover faster.

But if the symptoms persist for more than a week or if the symptoms are accompanied by fever, or if the nasal discharge is green, yellow, or blood, visit a doctor immediately if untreated nasal congestion can lead to breathing problems, nasal polyps, or middle ear infections.

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