7 key steps to take when dealing with blackmail

7 key steps to take when dealing with blackmail

Blackmail, also known as extortion, is when someone threatens to expose intimate and sensitive information. Being blackmailed can trigger a lot of stressful emotions, making one feel compelled to comply with the demands of the blackmailer. However, this may not put a stop to the threats. To avoid this, it is crucial to take certain measures the very first time one is threatened with blackmail. Here are a few steps one can take:

Immediate next steps
1. Avoid agreeing to the blackmailer’s demands
Often, when threatened with blackmail, one may feel forced to give in to the demands of the blackmailer. They believe that once they do exactly what the blackmailer asks them to do, the threats will completely go away. Unfortunately, this might not happen. On the contrary, as one fulfills all demands, the blackmailer may feel reassured that they have all the control in this situation. Additionally, this may tempt the blackmailer to make more demands. So, it would be best to ignore the demands. Often, the blackmailer will stop threatening when they find out their demands will not be fulfilled. Nevertheless, it is impossible to tell if the blackmailer will follow through with their threats. But once one gives in to the demands, the blackmailer will definitely come back for more.

2. Break off all communication with the blackmailer
Dealing with blackmail can be a volatile situation, so things can get out of hand quite quickly. To establish a sense of control, one may want to keep communicating with the blackmailer to make them slip up and reveal something they didn’t intend to or request them to hold on to the sensitive information they are using as leverage. But this will only make the situation worse. So, it is important to cut off all contact with the blackmailer as soon as the first threats come in. By declining to communicate with the extortionist, one can get some control over the situation.

3. Block the blackmailer on all platforms
If a blackmailer is making threats on a social media platform, the first step should be to block them. The next step is to ask everyone they know on the platform to do the same. To do this, one can send a message to everyone telling them upfront that someone is threatening them and share the username and identity of the blackmailer in the message. Blocking takes away a lot of leverage from blackmailers. In most cases, this usually works, and the blackmailer ends up giving up. This is because it becomes almost impossible for them to send their threats directly to the person they are blackmailing or through their friends and followers.

4. Change the privacy settings
Cyber-blackmailers usually threaten one with revealing one’s personal details and photos to friends, family, and co-workers. By doing so, they tap into the fear of besmirching the image and reputation of the victim. To avoid giving the blackmailer this power, one should immediately change the privacy settings on all social media platforms. One should also turn all public profiles into private ones. Also, one should hide their friends and family lists from everyone. This way, the blackmailer will have very restricted and limited access to personal information that is available on social media platforms.

Additional steps
5. Record and save all communication
Along with blocking the blackmailer on all social media platforms, one should also save all communication with the blackmailer. The texts, calls, and social media posts sent by the blackmailer can act as evidence of the threats. So, one should capture and save screenshots of all the texts. If possible, one should make copies of all voice and video messages, especially those that explicitly indicate blackmail. Further, one should keep records of all the personal information and details of the blackmailers, such as their usernames, phone numbers, social media handles, and emails. As blackmail is considered a punishable crime, all forms of evidence of blackmail can come in handy when one is seeking legal protection against the blackmailer.

6. File a complaint
Once one has collected all the evidence they can, it is time to reach out to the local police station. One can talk to police personnel and inform them about the threats. Then, one can fill out a police report. After this, the police will take action based on the local and federal laws. Sometimes, the police may also ask to report the blackmail threats to federal law enforcement agencies. So, one can directly connect with the local office of the relevant agency and hand over all the evidence they have collected.

7. Seek legal assistance
Finally, one should consult and even consider hiring an attorney and seeking legal protection when dealing with blackmail. A lawyer will help in seeking legal recourse while also offering solutions to minimize the damage caused by the blackmailers. Further, they can also help represent the victim in court if a case is filed against the blackmailers, especially if they have followed through with their threats. Besides, a lawyer can be a useful ally who can deal with the law enforcement authorities to pursue the case against the blackmailer.

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