8 worst cities for individuals with migraines

8 worst cities for individuals with migraines

Certain factors can make any city a hotspot for migraines. Lifestyle elements such as the average overtime hours worked, frequency of air travel, lack of vigorous exercise, insomnia, and sunburn can all play a role in causing or worsening migraines. Additionally, environmental factors and the food consumed by the people living in the city can also contribute to migraines. Here are a few cities deemed migraine hotspots and why they are on this list.

St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis is a booming metropolitan city that is densely populated and forever bustling with people. Its dense population and traffic make it one of the worst cities for people with migraine. Also, certain studies have found that people in this city exercise very little. People of St.Louis mostly commute or drive themselves to work every day. On top of all these, St. Louis has unpredictable weather and occasions on which the temperature is incredibly high. Apart from these factors, the people of this city frequently and excessively consume inflammation and migraine-inducing foods such as hot dogs, sausages, smoked meat, chocolate, coffee, cheese, and junk food.
All in all, factors such as low frequency of exercise, poor choice of foods consumed by the city’s people, erratic and inconsistent weather, and the dense population make St. Louis one of the worst cities for migraine patients nationwide and globally.

Cincinnati, Ohio
A vast majority of people in Cincinnati consume foods that are known to trigger migraines. For example, the Cincinnati-style chili, a famous food that the city’s inhabitants consumed and adored, has a tomato-based base and toppings made of onions and cheese. This food has a ton of cholesterol and calories and can cause inflammation, which is one of the major causes of migraines.
Besides, the Cincinnati locals also adore foods such as pizzas. Pizza is heavy on dairy, preservatives, and a ton of wheat in the crust. All these elements can trigger migraine flare-ups and their development in general. Among the other harmful, inflammation-inducing ingredients of pizza are nitrates and pepperoni.
Overall, the foods consumed by the people of Cincinnati play a role in making this one of the worst cities for migraine patients.

Little Rock, Arkansas
Like St. Louis, Little Rock has rapidly changing and inconsistent weather. This contributes to people constantly experiencing the hazards of changing weather regularly. Such changes tend to contribute to migraines or make them worse. In addition, the people of Little Rock are just as averse to exercising as those living in St. Louis or any other migraine capital worldwide.
Additionally, this city frequently appears on the list of poor residence options for individuals with migraine. Little Rock is densely populated and has traffic congestion, and both factors are major migraine amplifiers. Finally, this city also has high air pollution and pollutants in the local atmosphere. This pollution contributes majorly to migraines in people.

New York City, New York
The standout qualities of the “Big Apple” also work against it when it comes to the health of people experiencing migraines. New York City is one of the busiest and noisiest cities in the world and is a key hotspot for migraines. This bustling metropolis has high levels of pollution, stress, and congestion, all of which worsen migraines for people with the condition. The city’s crowded streets, constant construction, and siren noises can be overwhelming for people with migraines. The city’s bright lights also contribute to migraines for light-sensitive people.

Los Angeles, California
All the migraine-worsening aspects discussed about New York City also apply to Los Angeles. While this city may not be as noisy or polluted as the Big Apple, Los Angeles has other factors that make it one of the worst cities for those with migraines. Firstly, the traffic in Los Angeles is congested and slow-moving. Both these aspects can give people stress and tension, contributing to migraines and triggering flare-ups more frequently than usual. Los Angeles is also known for its high smog levels. This aspect of the city can trigger migraines in people sensitive to pollution. Finally, the city’s constant brightness and sunshine can get blinding for people with migraines. This aspect can trigger flare-ups in individuals.

Phoenix, Arizona
Living in Phoenix can be challenging for those who have migraines. The city is notorious for its scorching heat and unpredictable weather, which can trigger more frequent and severe migraine episodes. Additionally, Phoenix is infamous for its high levels of air pollution, which can exacerbate the condition and cause other health problems, such as respiratory and circulatory issues. It’s important to note that migraines can also be a symptom of underlying health conditions, so seeking medical attention is crucial if you experience persistent or severe symptoms.

Madison, Wisconsin
Like many other cities on this list, Madison is also filled with people who drive or commute to work, or anywhere they need to get. A lack of walking, running, and other physical activity gradually debilitates people’s health in this city. Additionally, this city is filled with a bustling population, a migraine-inducing factor repeating itself across this article. What’s more, the pollution levels in Madison are also depressingly high all the time.
All these elements combine to make Madison one of the most polluted and unfavorable cities for someone with a migraine.

Knoxville, Tennesse
Several research studies have found that people in Knoxville, Tennessee, consume some of the most “bad” foods that trigger migraines and other health issues such as cardiovascular diseases and digestive conditions. This is why many people in this city experience nagging headaches and migraines. Moreover, this city ranks as one of the country’s top five cities for obese residents. It also faces environmental concerns, especially barometric pressure changes. Such pressure swings go hand in hand with regular storms the residents are subjected to.

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