Avoid these 4 foods to prevent cold sores

Avoid these 4 foods to prevent cold sores

Cold sores, more commonly known as fever blisters, are a group of painful blisters caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV. HSV 1 type is responsible for causing most cold sores. These sores generally appear around your lip or in your mouth. They can turn up separately or in clusters mostly. Even though people don’t usually fall sick, the painful infection can leave you feeling ill for a few days.

Symptoms of cold sores
The symptoms of cold sores vary since they depend on the first outbreak or recurrence. If exposed to the virus for the first time, you may not have any symptoms for up to 20 days. These sores can last a few days, but the blisters may take up to 3 weeks to heal completely.

However, some common cold sore symptoms are as follows –

Tingling and itching sensation
Upon contracting this infection, you will experience a burning or tingling sensation in and around your lips for a few days. After that, small round painful spots start appearing, and blisters form.

The blisters are nothing but fluid-filled small spots collected on the border of your lips. You may also find them on the tip of the nose or inside your mouth.

Oozing and crusting
These tiny blisters may sometimes merge and finally burst. The sores will be shallow and open for oozing and crusting over gradually.

An affected person may experience other complications such as fever, painful gums, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, etc.

Treatment options
The cold sore has no treatment option. Once the virus enters your body, it stays there for a few days. You can take steps to ensure the condition won’t aggravate. If you consult a medical professional, they will tell you to follow certain meal plans and avoid some food categories to combat this infection.

Four cold sores trigger foods you must avoid
If you have contracted the cold sore infection, you must stay at home and avoid consuming the below-mentioned food options –

Foods rich in L-Arginine
Medical professionals often suggest that patients avoid foods that are rich in L-Arginine. It can worsen your cold sores in no time. L-arginine helps the herpes virus to replicate faster than you can imagine. The cells deficient in L-arginine can’t produce the necessary steps to transform the HSV virus from its dormant stage. Some L-arginine-based food options are poultry, sunflower seeds, nuts, soy, beans, and others.

Processed food
If you don’t know this already, processed foods can degrade the cold sore condition. This type of food contains materials that can decrease the function of your immune system. Processed foods like pasta, frozen food, high-calorie snacks, and sugar breakfasts will weaken your immune system, and your body will fail to prevent the cold sore.

Acidic foods
Food items that have acidic materials will deteriorate your cold-sore condition. Sometimes, liquid food products can bring harm too. Some examples of this food category are as follows –

  • Soda
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits can cause a burning sensation in your blisters
  • Pickles because they contain an acidic substance
  • Tomatoes

These food items and drinks can cause old wounds to reopen.

Hot and spicy food items
You must steer clear of hot and spicy foods because of their ability to revamp the cold sores in your body. Even though you have gone through this infection once, opting for hot and spicy food like curry will reopen the cold sores. Spicy food like curry will irritate your entire area of lips, and mouth.

Food items that will help you eliminate cold sores
You can resort to home remedies like choosing appropriate food to treat such a condition better. The food items you must include your daily –

Food items that have Lysine
Medical professionals urge people with cold sores to each Lysine-based food item. Lysine is an excellent source of amino acid that our body doesn’t produce naturally, yet it is essential. You must have beef, pork, cheese, fish, etc., to minimize viral activity in your body.

Food items that have antioxidants
Antioxidants are known for their ability to prevent cellular damage and function accordingly to improve your immune system. The food items in this category are vegetables and fruits like oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, etc.

Food items that contain Vitamin B-complex
The food items like broccoli, eggs, green beans, and spinach have much vitamin B-complex that helps you to improve your immune system. The vitamins are essential to maximizing your metabolism.

Food items that contain high zinc
Food items that have higher levels of zinc can prevent the outbreak. Zinc in your body improves nerve function and metabolism. You can find zinc in foods like pork and chickpeas.

The ways you can prevent cold sores
Cold sores are highly contagious; you must follow steps to contain them as much as possible. If someone has cold sores, you should know how you can contribute to preventing them at the early stage.

  • You must avoid kissing or intimate contact if the person has cold sores.
  • It would be wise to avoid sharing towels, dishes, cutlery, lip balms, straws, etc.
  • Always wash your hands before touching your lips, eyes, and genitals.

However, if you have already contracted this viral infection, you should follow the below-mentioned steps rigorously –

  • You should never avoid taking foods that can help you recover fast and leave minimal chance of blisters coming back.
  • You will be significantly weak at this point, and fatigue will make you sick. Therefore, resting well and letting your body fight would be wise.
  • You can use lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from sunburn.
  • You must consult a doctor regularly to monitor your condition if the cold sores aggravate.

Almost 90% of the population across the globe has come in touch with cold sores at least once. It is a common viral infection that goes away after a few days. However, we must stay cautious and prevent it from spreading.

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