Watch out for these early signs of autism in children
Researchers, clinicians, and society are all faced with the fascinating and complex riddle of autism, a neurodevelopmental illness. Autism impacts people on a broad spectrum and is characterized by trouble in socializing and communicating and constrained behavioral patterns. To better understand the complex nature of autism, this article will look at its early signs that are indicative of the condition. This can help one with timely diagnosis and opt for potential management options. Early signs of autism in children Social interaction difficulties Children with autism may have trouble understanding and using nonverbal signs like gestures and facial expressions and have a decreased interest in social interactions. These behaviors include minimal eye contact, a lack of response when their name is called, and difficulties understanding and using nonverbal cues. Children with autism frequently struggle in a variety of ways with social interactions, including: Limited eye contact They could shy away from or struggle to maintain eye contact during social situations or talks. Making eye contact is a crucial nonverbal cue that aids in building relationships and comprehending the emotions of people. Lack of response when called by name Children with autism may occasionally fail to answer when called by name. This can be a result of attentional and social engagement issues.