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Top 7 Foods to Manage Chronic Kidney Disease

Top 7 Foods to Manage Chronic Kidney Disease

Food habits and choices have a direct impact on one’s overall well-being. Overeating certain unhealthy foods can directly impact many organs, including the kidney, heart, and stomach. For example, a person with a chronic kidney condition should keep a close eye on regular meals to avoid worsening the condition and stay active. These poor eating habits may eventually lead to health problems. Here are some of the best foods to treat chronic kidney conditions and other nutritional tips for a healthy lifestyle. Best foods for kidney conditions Cauliflower This cruciferous vegetable is high in vitamin C and is a good source of fiber and folate. It also contains indoles, glucosinolates, and thiocyanates, which help the liver neutralize harmful chemicals that may damage cell membranes and DNA. It can be served steamed, boiled, or raw with a dip. It can also be tossed in a salad with spices such as turmeric, curry powder, pepper, and herb seasonings. Cauliflower can be combined with spaghetti or mashed as a dialysis meal replacement for mashed potatoes. 1/2 cup of cooked cauliflower contains 9 mg of sodium, 88 mg of potassium, and 20 mg of phosphorus. Onions Onion is a common condiment in many prepared dishes, and it contains sulfur compounds that give it its pungent aroma.