Top 6 foods that may reduce dementia risk

Top 6 foods that may reduce dementia risk

Many individuals mistakenly believe that dementia is a disease, but it’s a term used to describe symptoms related to memory, social abilities, and thinking. These symptoms can be challenging to manage and can impact daily activities. However, healthcare professionals often recommend implementing a healthy meal plan as a way to improve management. If you’re interested in learning about how your food intake can reduce the risk of developing dementia, read on.

What is dementia?
As previously mentioned, dementia is not a specific disease. Instead, health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease are among its most frequent causes in older adults. Other known causes of dementia include damage to the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the brain, the formation of balloon-like proteins in the brain, and the breakdown of connections and nerve cells in the brain.
While memory loss is one of its most recognizable signs, this symptom alone does not mean one has dementia. Most symptoms of this group of health issues can vary depending on the cause. Hence, here are some of the most common signs to look out for.

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulties while communicating
  • Reasoning and problem-solving issues
  • Poor control of movements and coordination
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion

What are the foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia?
Typically, dementia and Alzheimer’s are known to be caused by a combination of several factors, such as environmental, lifestyle, and genetic. Furthermore, developing issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease can contribute to cognitive decline in patients. Therefore, healthcare professionals suggest the consumption of nutrient-rich foods to reduce dementia risk as one grows older.

Some of the foods that can be added to one’s meal plan are:

Avocados are one of the most commonly known superfoods, which can provide the brain with the needed energy without a spike in blood sugar levels. These fruits are rich sources of monounsaturated fats and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats which can decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. Moreover, research has attributed the antioxidant lutein to boosting problem-solving and memory.
Although one can go simple and include fruit in salads, one must be wary of its calorie content. According to the US Department of Agriculture, a single avocado contains approximately 322 calories. But it also contains fiber and folate, which can keep the brain clear of the effects of aging.

Fresh leafy green vegetables such as spinach contain high levels of lutein, which can aid in the prevention of cognitive decline. This happens because the vegetable possesses antioxidant carotenoids that help counter the effects of oxidative stress in the brain cells. So, increasing the consumption of these carotenoids can be considered crucial for the brain and overall health. These carotenoids can be found in different colored pigments – red, orange, and yellow. Therefore, in addition to spinach, one can add other vegetables such as kale, tomatoes, bell peppers, apricots, and sweet potatoes to the meal plan.

When it comes to the brain, one of the most important nutrients needed for regulating memory is choline. This nutrient is a building block for special fats known as phospholipids located in the cell membranes and nerve chemical – acetylcholine.
As one of the leading causes of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the underproduction of the nerve chemical. So, many healthcare professionals suggest the intake of eggs to lower the risk of dementia and enhance cognitive function—especially the yolk, which can deliver up to 30% of the daily brain requirement.
This also means people who consume eggs regularly generally possess twice the choline amount compared to non-consumers.

As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, broccoli contains high amounts of Vitamin B and carotenoids. These are highly effective in reducing homocysteine levels – an amino acid associated with brain atrophy, dementia, and cognitive decline.
Further, this green-colored vegetable has compounds known as glucosinolates. When broken down, this compound paves the way for isothiocyanates which have been proven to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative conditions.

Olive oil
A common ingredient found across most American households, extra virgin olive oil has long been used to lower the risk of heart disease. But recently, various studies have confirmed that the oil may also have cognitive and neuroprotective benefits. One of the main reasons behind these findings is the presence of polyphenols – powerful antioxidants that can reverse the effects of disease or aging-related memory and learning impairments.
Additionally, many doctors advise patients to consume a Mediterranean-based meal plan. Here, thanks to nutrients and antioxidants found in olive oil, it has been considered one of the most vital ingredients of the plan. Otherwise, one can also try consuming small amounts – a single teaspoon of the oil daily to reap its benefits. Although, it is advisable to check with a healthcare professional before doing so.

Various health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, and brain disorders are mainly characterized by neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. Besides this, it has been found that the main component of the amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s patients is the Amylod beta protein. This component increases free radicals generation, which ultimately leads to cell death.
Patients can try consuming walnuts to combat such issues for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. But one must keep in mind that the development of dementia and other cognitive issues happens as one age, so one must ensure long-term and early consumption of foods like walnuts to reduce the risk of dementia.

Apart from the foods mentioned above that can lower the risk of dementia, one can also include raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, salmon, tuna, brown rice, and oats in their meal plan. Additionally, since dementia is a progressive disease, it is crucial to watch for any signs or symptoms. If any symptoms are observed, seeking professional medical help promptly is recommended. This can aid in early diagnosis and the formulation of a tailored treatment plan for the individual.

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