Managing Migraine Headaches – Foods to Avoid
Migraine is a condition in which individuals experience headache episodes with varying intensity. The headaches are also often accompanied by symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Experts believe that migraine episodes make it hard to complete daily tasks and suggest proper rest and sleep to fight the symptoms. However, certain food choices might aggravate the symptoms. Some foods to avoid and home remedies to manage the condition are discussed below. Caffeine Too much caffeine or even caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches and migraine symptoms. According to experts, caffeine can stop oncoming migraine, though its quantity must be supervised. Migraine sufferers must drink coffee or even tea with caffeine in moderate amounts. Chocolate Experts consider chocolate as the second most common trigger factor of migraine symptoms. It has caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine, which are responsible for triggering headaches and migraines in individuals. According to research, chocolates affect around 22% of those dealing with migraine attacks. MSG Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a naturally occurring sodium salt that is a product of glutamic acid. However, this is also an ingredient that is found in a lot of food recipes. Research indicates that MSG intake is linked with migraine attacks, even though eating this product is perfectly safe for the body otherwise.