Here’s why Novavax could be an alternative to mRNA vaccines
In the global fight against COVID-19, mRNA vaccines have played an important role in curbing the virus’s spread. However, some individuals have experienced adverse reactions to these vaccines, prompting the exploration of alternatives. Novavax, a protein subunit vaccine, has emerged as a potential choice for those seeking an alternative. It’s important to learn how it differs from mRNA vaccines, its safety profile, efficacy, and whether it can be a better option for those affected. Understanding Novavax: A protein subunit vaccine Before delving into Novavax’s potential as an alternative, it’s essential to comprehend the fundamental principles of this vaccine platform. Novavax, developed by the biotechnology company Novavax Inc., operates on a protein subunit approach. Unlike mRNA vaccines, which introduce a fragment of the virus’s genetic material into the body, Novavax delivers a harmless piece of the virus’s surface protein. In the context of COVID-19, this surface protein is none other than the spike protein located on the virus’s outer shell. By presenting this protein to the immune system, Novavax triggers the production of antibodies that specifically target the spike protein. This immune response prepares the body to recognize and neutralize the virus if encountered. How is Novavax different from mRNA vaccines?