12 Smoothies to Manage Arthritis and Relieve Joint Pain
Arthritis is characterized by swelling or tenderness of the joints. It affects over 50 million people in the country. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which tend to worsen with age. It may be inherited or caused by immune problems or metabolic conditions like gout. Making changes in daily meal plans can help manage arthritis symptoms. One of the easiest ways to introduce inflammation-relieving foods into one’s life is with delicious smoothies. Try these twelve arthritis-friendly smoothies at home to alleviate joint pain. Pineapple and turmeric smoothie Blend a quarter of a pineapple with water, orange, turmeric, lemon zest, mango, ginger, carrot, and salt. This delicious yellow smoothie is rich in antioxidants from pineapple, orange, and turmeric, which can reduce oxidative stress in the body. The main active component of turmeric, curcumin, inhibits COX-2, the enzyme that causes joint pain and inflammation, helping reduce symptoms of arthritis. The pineapple, orange, and mango add vitamin C to the smoothie, which also helps fight inflammation. Pineapple also contains the enzyme bromelain, which can help reduce arthritic pain. Kiwi and kale green smoothie Blend two kiwis with a bunch of kale, one mango, one orange, and some water to create a quick and easy green smoothie.