Superfoods to Manage Menstrual Pain Effectively
Periods are inevitable, and so are the cramps and pain that accompany them. While menstruation is cyclical, the anxiety and discomfort that comes with it do not have to be. Certain foods, exercises, and habits can address menstrual pain to a great degree. Foods, especially, play a big part in relieving menstrual pain in women of all ages. Here is the list of foods to manage period pain during the tricky part of the month: Flax seeds Seeds are a prime source of omega-3 fats, magnesium, iron, potassium, and protein, all of which contribute in different ways to making the body stronger and more resilient to period-driven cramps and pain. While most seeds tick all the boxes, flax seeds are prime examples of these qualities. Flax seeds help reduce constipation, a major menstruation symptom, in women and thereby help ease the symptoms of periods. Oranges Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons contain vitamin C, an anti-inflammation nutrient. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps counter the heat and cramps that accompany a woman’s menstrual cycles. Apart from being antioxidant-rich, oranges are also hydrating agents due to their high water content. This is why consuming oranges during menstrual cycles can greatly alleviate cramps in women.